Monday May 17th, 2010

Noon: ABRAHAM INGLE (a.k.a. Hood Turkey) began recording location-based memories of Portlanders and weaving them into free, interactive audio tours in late 2008. The result is over eight hours of memories that constitute Neighborhood Diaries, a touching and entertaining portrait of Portland and its citizenry. Abraham will discuss this project and play choice excerpts. More Neighborhood Diaries excerpts will be available for exploring in the Oral History Space library. 

12:30 JOSEPHINE AND MARK are neighbors. Both have lived in Portland for a long time. See how a conversation between neighbors is a potential learning experience in this live oral history presentation.

What constitutes oral history? Why is it important? Has there been a recent resurgence in interest about oral history and traditions in recent years? If so, why, and what’s changing? What else? Public Social University Co-Director Rozzell Medina will facilitate this community discussion with special guests.

Presentations will occur in Roosevelt Square (SW Park between Jefferson & Madison) at the base of the Teddy Roosevelt Statue. Bring your lunch, questions, curiosity, observations, ideas, and friends!